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Writer's pictureKelsey

Adapting to Change

Updated: Apr 11, 2020

Adapting seems to be the theme of 2020.

Each day, everyone is adapting to our tumultuous world and the new announcements that seem to come every hour. Just today they announced that we should in fact be wearing face masks to try and protect ourselves and others.

So how are businesses adapting? Curbside pick-up is now the norm at even small family-owned restaurants. My local grocer is keeping toilet paper behind the service counter and it can be requested by shoppers to keep the demand in control and avoid hoarding. My personal favorite hits a little closer to home.

My parents have owned and work for a window covering franchise since 2008. With the “stay-at-home” orders in effect, they can’t do their in-home consultations. The bread and butter of their industry is now gone. There are few things stopping these clients from now going to big box stores to buy their window fashions. Today, I got a call from my mom asking me to train her and my dad on every detail of Zoom. They’re adapting and offering in-home consults via video calls. It’s uncomfortable and new, but it’s adapting at it’s finest. They’ll do everything they can to serve their customers, pay their employees, and keep running. I’ve never been so happy to teach some tech to my parents.

So, how is your business adapting to these changes you didn’t plan on?


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